Lecture capture, strikes, and performance management
As you may be aware, I have a keen interest in lecture capture, both in terms of the educational benefits for students and for arguing that lecture capture policies are positive and protective and when done well can mitigate the concerns of academic staff. If you’d like to see my previous work on this please see here for a paper related to lecture capture and student achievement and here for a review of the literature and lecture capture policies. On Twitter I was directed (by the authors) to a preprint discussing lecture capture in the context of surveillance and the use of lecture capture to break industrial action and for performance management: “ Employee Surveillance: The Road to Surveillance is Paved with Good Intentions” by Lilian Edwards, Laura Martin and Tristan Henderson. One of the aims of this paper was to determine the legal and moral status of universities using lecture capture to break strikes, using the 2018 UCU action as a case study. The authors conclu...